OCSE Responsible Fatherhood Programs: Client Characteristics and Program Outcomes

Sep 2003 | Jessica Pearson, Ph.D., Lanae Davis, M.P.A., Nancy Thoennes, Ph.D.

Excerpt from Executive Summary of Report: From October 1998 to December 31, 2000 eight different sites received Section 1,115 grants or waivers from the US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Child Support Enforcement to implement and test responsible fatherhood programs.

The objective of these projects was to assist unemployed or low-income, noncustodial parents, mostly fathers, to pay child support by:

  • Increasing employment or income;
  • Encouraging more involved and better parenting; and
  • Motivating child support compliance.

The study included two components: an assessment of implementation and a determination of program outcomes. Site visits and discussions with program administrators and staff were used to document program characteristics and implementation. The findings from that assessment were published in the June 2001 report: OCSE Responsible Fatherhood: Early Implementation Lessons

This outcome study relied on case data maintained at each site to generate a picture of client characteristics, service delivery and client outcomes. In addition, telephone interviews were conducted with project participants and child support enforcement administrative records and employer-reported wage records were obtained from each state and analyzed.

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